Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Twilight at Midnight!! Am I crazy!??!

Ok, I must have been laughing my head off once or twice the other night!! And who's fingers are behind my head? Margaret? I was crazy enough to go to the midnight showing of Twilight with my friends and my mom. Now, don't get me wrong.... I am not a Twilight-a-holic. I enjoyed reading the books, but to be honest who has time for that? My mom gave me book #4 the day after it came out in August and I haven't even cracked the cover! But, I took this as a fun opportunity to hang out with my friends and be silly. It was exactly that.
Our group was of about 40, 30 somethings and my mom. We were labeled the "Welby Hussies", by the MC of the party. (Welby being the area we live in) I resemble that!!
The night started with some of us going to dinner at Olive Garden, then off to the theater for the party! It was crazy.... girls walking around in prom dresses, veneered fangs, professions of love to Jacob and Edward on their t-shirts (Team Edward & Team Jacob), cupcakes and chocolate, I heard there were blood drives going on, and red chocolate fountains resembling blood for people to drink, and candied apples. What a hoot! I even saw a guy with a shirt that said, "My daughter is making me wear this shirt.... TEAM EDWARD!"
The group that reserved our theater really put on quite the party. From the time we got in the theater, they were playing music, and giving away tons of prizes. My mom and I didn't win anything but candy and she was ready to elbow the girls next to us that kept winning. She said she just couldn't be a stick in the mud. Well I say, "Mama said knock you out, uhh!"
The movie, well here's my critique:
It was good. Not more than I expected. Edward grew on me. The special effects were lacking. Edwards glowing skin of diamonds made him look like he was ready to puke. Bella was cute, Alice was cuter. He should have kissed her sooner the first time. She needed to wear more to bed. The baseball game was awesome! Edward's Volvo sports car was a grocery getter! Bella's truck was perfect. Over-all, the tension and drama were great and I really did like it. I don't get paid to critique anyway... so there you have it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Arrow of Light

Kaden earned his arrow of light tonight! We had an awesome Scottish Themed ceremony. Which was close to our hearts being Scottish and all. Brother Fotheringham in our ward, wrote a script that he read with bagpipe music, and even taught the boys how to play their own bagpipes. Kaden was able to share the ceremony with his best friend Sheldon Chatelain. Sheldon's mom and I made authentic scottish scones for refreshments. This also happened to be Jaxon's first cub scout pack meeting. He is super excited.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Beechcraft Sundowner Junior N6576R ( Halloween 2007)

I was asked to add this story to my blog from a mass email I sent out last Halloween. Enjoy.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN... if not a day late.

So, two short weeks before the (what we now call an expensive) holiday, Riley said, "I want to be a Beechcraft Sundowner for Halloween." And for those of you that don't know, that is what his daddy flies.

Mom got a sick look on her face and dad was grinning from ear to ear. How could she disappoint either one of them? The next few days she racked her brain trying to figure out how to make this happen. Have you ever Googled "airplane costume"? There is nothing out there, even in cyberspace to pattern one of these things from.

From there the shopping for "parts" began. It took nearly $50 at Hancock Fabrics, $18 for the propeller at MRS. Hobby's, $15 at Hobby Lobby for paper mac he', masking tape and paint, ink from the printer, really not sure how much in PVC pipe, and $10 in Vinyl lettering for the logos and N number from mom's friend Laura Hauptman (a little plug for all her help). You do the math.

After the fabric purchases mom and Riley went to Grandma Johnstone's office with pictures of the plane and asked for her great costume making advice. They drew a few sketches and really got nowhere. The weekend (11 days until Halloween) brought the deer hunt. Mom loaded her trunk with sewing machines and "parts" and headed for the farm with the hunters. The next 2 1/2 days at the farm were spent drawing a sketch of the sides and top of the plane, making a full size pattern, cutting out the thick fabric, and surging together the fuselage. It wasn't easy. Mom will even admit to a few cuss words.

After getting back home, mom was super busy all day with clients on Tuesday and didn't have time to even look at the plane. She thought she had a week still to finish it, then Riley comes home from preschool with a note announcing that his class Halloween party was THURSDAY!! Oh no, she called grandma in a panic, and dad went to their house with the spinner. He and Kaden worked on Kaden's pinewood derby car while Grandma sanded the paper mac he' spinner to near perfection. Then they brainstormed a way for it to really spin with Riley's help.

Wednesday, was spent all day (literally) getting the plane finished. N6576R junior spent some time getting paint and logos to look official, and interior work done. When daddy got home, the house was littered with a plane making mess. He took the boys flying in the real plane and helped make the PVC pipe frame when they got back. At about 10:30 that night the plane was ready for the friendly skies. It took some tweaking to make it work just right. The test flight would be in the morning at preschool.

Because the plane was so big and the tail was so tall, it only fit with the wings folded in the front seat of the car. Preschool taught us a few things that day. It's not a small room costume, the straps hurt, and the wings need more support. Thank goodness for test flights.

After relaxing for a few days, mom padded the straps and dad reinforced the wings. Riley was once again ready to show off his now most prized possession.

Grandpa Johnstone called on Monday and said, "107.5 Country legends radio is having a Halloween party and costume contest, you should take Riley down there. I think he will win". So after finding out more, the station picks three winners and each one gets $107.50.

The night before Halloween, the family loaded the plane in the back of daddy's truck and went to the ward Halloween carnival and chili cook-off. N6576R junior was an instant favorite (there are quite a few ward members with first hand knowledge of this plane). Riley wore it proudly with his mo hawked, orange tipped hair that was an addition to the fin. It was also great to have some room to fly in the cultural hall. He only took out a few kids with the wings.

Halloween day, Mom, Riley, Kaden and Jaxon met up with Grandpa, uncle Zeek, and Dani then headed to the radio station. After losing a wing support pipe out of the bed of grandpa's truck, grandpa ran to a plumbing supply store for a replacement. The station had a fun party, took pictures of the kids in costume, served lunch and had karaoke going. After staying for about an hour we thought we had a pretty good chance, there really was no competition. "The winners will be announced on air tomorrow morning at 8:10", they said.

Halloween night, Riley went trick-or-treating around the block with dad (25 or 30 houses) and loved it. Neighbors had other people in the house "hurry and come see this costume". He almost made it all the way home when a shoulder strap broke loose. Whew, good thing this is over. The Johnstone family came over for our annual "Halloween Night Clam Chowder & Chili Party" and Riley's plane was surrounded by his brothers and cousins in their cute costumes for a photo op.

Riley did end up winning the radio station contest. The $107.50 didn't even pay for the costume, but what fun.

Mom says Riley has to wear this costume every year for 5 years to justify the time and money that went into it. And no, she does not hire out her costume making abilities.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Games Rednecks Play

What do you get when you mix electricity and a bunch of overgrown boys? I'd say any number of redneck games. This one just happens to be fun to watch.
My dad got this high frequency machine somewhere way back when. They are supposed to be used to stimulate blood flow in the scalp to help regrow hair.
These big boys just like to play with it. It ZAPS you if they hold the probe and touch you and it HURTS! They like to stand together and hold onto each other so they all feel the same thing then anyone that they touch gets ZAPPED and they all feel it. It actually is pretty funny as long as you are just a spectator and not a victim. Poor Jaxon. Our friends, the Hesses, were able to experience it for the first time this year. We all had tears coming out of our eyes from laughing.
It has become a tradition to add this "game" to our Halloween night festivities. Kaden actually requested it this year.
The dark picture with just the light bulb is my brother, Jason. He is just holding that little fluorescent bulb and letting the electricity in the machine run through his body to light the bulb. I say this is all very CREEPY, but a very appropriate game for Halloween.

A Charming Family

Because I seem to be the bad guy when I make everyone dress up for Halloween, Most of them get to wear what I want them to for the occasion. That's their punishment for not wanting to play along. Well, with the two oldest boys getting older, that just didn't fly this year. But I still have free reign with Darin and Riley (sort-of).
As seen in the picture we were:
Snow White
A less than thrilled Prince Charming (he labeled himself Elvis Chraming... can you see the chops?)
A Bloody Skeleton
A two-faced Zombie (because he couldn't wear a mask to the ward party)
and Dopey or the Sundowner again, depending on the event.
We had a fun Halloween reguardless of our attire. For us it signifies fall and the coming of snow, which we love!