Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Charming Family

Because I seem to be the bad guy when I make everyone dress up for Halloween, Most of them get to wear what I want them to for the occasion. That's their punishment for not wanting to play along. Well, with the two oldest boys getting older, that just didn't fly this year. But I still have free reign with Darin and Riley (sort-of).
As seen in the picture we were:
Snow White
A less than thrilled Prince Charming (he labeled himself Elvis Chraming... can you see the chops?)
A Bloody Skeleton
A two-faced Zombie (because he couldn't wear a mask to the ward party)
and Dopey or the Sundowner again, depending on the event.
We had a fun Halloween reguardless of our attire. For us it signifies fall and the coming of snow, which we love!

1 comment:

  1. So, here I am leaving my third comment but I can't help it - you guy look adorable!
